Enrolments & Bookings

New Enrolments

Booking Changes
For children who are currently enrolled with Windsor School Age Care Centre the below forms can be completed for change of bookings:
Email: wsaccinc@bigpond.com
Call or text: 0410 769 040

Holiday Care Bookings
Please use your Xplor App to book school holiday care.
The Holiday care Program is generally released 2 weeks prior to the end of school term. We will announce when bookings are open via email and Facebook.
For new students to facilitate the best possible introduction to our service we strongly encourage new families to make contact well in advance of our vacation care period. This will enable the enrolment process to be finalised and orientation to be undertaken prior to starting at the centre.
Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
Fee Schedule
Effective 23 April 2024
*casual surcharge $2.50 additional for before school and after school care.
**casual surcharge $10.00 additional.
^ Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is available for eligible families.
Where there is no booking the following fees apply per child: Before school care $25.00, after school care $33.00, holiday care $75.00
An annual administrative fee is charged at the rate of $30.00 per family.
Booking Information and Cancellations
Permanent Bookings
Bookings for care are considered to be permanent when they are made over 14 days in advance of the care needed for any combination of sessions. Permanent bookings are charged the permanent booking rate.
Cancellation of any session made seven (7) clear days or more in advance will incur no cancellation fee.
Cancellations of any session made less than seven (7) days in advance will incur the full session fee.
Casual Bookings
Casual bookings are bookings made less than two weeks prior and up to 30 minutes before care is needed. Casual bookings incur a surcharge on the permanent booking fee (refer to fee schedule above). Cancellation of casual bookings made 24 hours before the booked session of care will incur no fee. Cancellations made less than 24 hours before the session of care will be charged as an absent session at the permanent session rate (refer to fee schedule above).
Holiday Care
Bookings made before the last Thursday of any school term will be charged at the current Vacation care (base rate) fee.
Summer holiday care bookings made two weeks (14 clear days), in advance of the day care is booked will be charged at the current vacation care (base rate) fee.
Bookings for vacation care made after the last Thursday of term or less than 14 clear days in advance (Summer vacation) of the booked session for care, will be charged at the casual surcharge plus the base day rate (refer to fee schedule above).
Cancellation of vacation care session made seven (7) clear days from the booked session will incur no cancellation fee.
Cancellations made up to 48 hours before and less than seven clear days before a booked care session, will be charged 50% of the vacation care fee.
Cancellation of vacation care booking made within 48 hours of the booked care session will be charged at the full day fee.
Late Pick ups
WSACC closes at 6:30pm weekdays throughout the school term at 6pm during holiday care and pupil free days.
Children must be collected prior to the closing times outlined. Late collection will incur a late pick up fee equivalent to the wages of 2 educators in 15 minute increments until the child is collected or other arrangements are made. Please contact WSACC on 0410 769 040 in the event that you will not be able to collect your child / children as early as possible so educators can make arrangements to be held back.
Extended Hours
After hours care will still be available for care between 6:30pm and 9pm during the school terms Monday to Friday only. The fee for extended hours care will be calculated by the number of children in attendance and two educators to care for children. Child Care subsidy is available for eligible families. Bookings are essential.
Extra-curricular Activities
Extra curricular activities are considered part of your child unique program at WSACC. Fees are added to your program charges for the session that this program is facilitated.